CPD lite:
A lightweight approach to Conjunctive Partial Deduction
(web interface)
CPD lite is a hybrid approach to the partial evaluation of
logic programs. Currently, the prototype implementation only
accepts definite logic programs without built-in's nor negation.
It takes the following inputs:
a logic program (you can choose one of the
list or write it down a new one), e.g., dppd/doubleapp.pl
an initial query, i.e., a list of atoms like [double_app(L1,L2,L3,Result)]
the associated set of call patterns for the query
indicating the ground arguments
(i.e., a list of lists of integers), like [[1,2,3]]
the non-regular predicates (look at the
paper for a clear definition, otherwise you
can just write an empty list [])
A technical description can be found in this